Alliance Online Ordering

Multi functional online ordering portal to Alliance Print.

This site took a few months to built it's core, though almost nothing of the original codes exists now. It's still under active development, and new features are occasionally added as clients request them.

Login: demo
Password: demo

It's built from scratch, though it now makes extensive use of 3rd party components pulled in through composer. I've used it's core as a framework for a couple of other sites, one which is in extensive use by Alliance Print also (PaperTrack).

Some of it's features:

  • Stock ordering
  • Variable stock generation
  • Business card ordering and generation (and ability to create the templates that create the business cards)
  • Automatic stock importing and updating with Alliance Print's accounting package Attaché,
  • Stock previews 
  • Historical reporting  
  • Client management
  • Online help help
  • Prepress functions

I was asked to update a very basic ordering portal so that it looked more modern, which I did in about a day. But then I was asked to add historical reporting and it became very apparent that the site would need to be built from scratch for that to happen.

Edit stock admin view
Edit stock admin view
Compose new business card view
Compose new business card view
Edit users admin view
Edit users admin view
PDF creator admin view where you can set up new business card templates
PDF creator admin view where you can set up new business card templates