After.Life (2009)

Continuing seeing movies that I know nothing about I put this on not knowing what to expect. It became clear that it might be some kind of horror flick but as I had not looked it up I was still open to the idea that it was just a film, not a genre. This idea makes me realise how constraining the whole idea of genre is. Sure it's useful, but it's a double-edged sword. Why can't a movie have certain elements then just.. not? Perhaps the Directing book will tell me why not.

The film is about a woman who dies in a car accident after a fight with her fiancée. She "wakes up" in the funeral parlour and can talk to the funeral director who appears to have a gift of being able to talk to the dead. However she isn't convinced that she is really dead and nor is her fiancée who tries to get access to the body but can't because he isn't "officially" her fiancée. As the film goes on we're not sure she is either. The uncertainty continues right to the end of the film though it leans heavily towards one side for the observant. I imagine if coming into this film expecting a horror you'd be quite disappointed. In fact the film seems low grade for a couple of reasons, one is it seems to give so much away with dialogue but later it seems that this is all to build up more mystery later on. Another reason is some of the shots just seem a tad too forced to show a naked Christina Ricci rather than help the story.

It wasn't spectacular film but it kept me occupied. It wasn't awful, perhaps a little slow and with flawed execution but still watchable.