Cocaine Angel (2006)
This follows a short period of time of a junkie and his junkie friends. I wasn't expecting much because I did look this up (quickly) on IMDB and noticed it had something like 4 stars (out of 10). Certain shots and scenes were a bit amateur-looking. I was looking for flaws like that of course thanks to the rating. However the film grew on me. Some of the actors weren't quite convincing, but the main ones were quite passable. I found the deadbeats in the film plain infuriating. They reminded me of a mashup of people I have unfortunately encountered from time to time, though none of them junkies, but sharing certain traits. It makes me ponder where the line between being some kind of junkie and just being a dick head is. I personally think drug use and addiction gets the blame far too often when the underlying cause is that the person is really just a self-centred idiot. Perhaps- no, I really think- they walk around us all the time. Sure, drug use might push them over to behaving in an unacceptable manner, but the truth is they weren't far from that anyway. Why blame the drugs then?
Even with more legal drugs we see this. Alcohol gets the blame for people who become violet or disruptive in town. I happened to see 3 fights on the street as I was walking home on Saturday night (I live in the city). But when I drink, I don't get violent. I don't get sad and pathetic, I don't get disruptive. If I did any of those things, I'd stop drinking. Not hard is it? No, people who take substances and then do stupid shit are just generally stupid in the first place.
Rant over. The film. It was low budget and ruined in a couple of places by bad actors. The story, I'm not sure how realistic it was, but the low class hopeless people I found entirely believable. I've met people like that. It's depressing. Generally it comes from poverty mixed with... a background of poverty I suppose. The people in this film seemed to be a mix of those people and like the main character, people who just became like that after falling from a great height. After seeing countless examples of the main character just being an annoying jerk, it cuts to home movie footage of him being normal with a wife and kid at the beach in a previous life. Makes you think a little bit.
All up, low budget but not a bad film. Certainly better than a Michael Bay blockbuster.