
We all presented on Wednesday. I was over my application by Sunday evening so I didn't develop it further. It was in a working state and I wasn't going to mess with it.

Despite not preparing much more than a quick mental list of what to say, I found it easy to present my project and my thoughts on it. There were a range of apps, some with very good ideas, some quite impressive. Overall I was happy with how my app faired in comparison.

Presentations are funny though, I'm relaxed and not nervous about facing my class but nevertheless my body isn't fully aware of that so I'm always glad to get it over and done with. It's the anticipation - once you are up there it's fine.

Since the presentation I've been looking at a book called Objective-C for Absolute Beginners: iPhone and Mac Programming Made Easy. It looked like a really good book and has fantastic reviews on Amazon. I'm not sure it deserves quite the amount of praise that it has received but I'll work my way through it. And the K&R. But both will have be low priority as the new Studio project is starting and so will an essay and practical for Math & Art.