Truth and Proof

Back to an Art lecture, we explored the difference between Art as a representation of what we perceive as the truth (what we see) and Art as an abstraction of truth. That is, when art stops becoming a representation of reality and it becomes it's own reality. We explored realism and expressionism and reproductions on truth. It was actually an interesting concept but I'm not doing it justice here. I guess I don't fully comprehend it to the level of being able to break it down into a solid explanation, which is what I'm a fan of doing. As I said right at the very beginning of this blog, if you can't explain it simply, you don't really understand it. Some of the concepts we touch on are a bit up in the air and it's up to us to pursue the subject further using what we've been shown so far. The plan for Math & Art was to spend the entire Monday on the subject but so far we've fallen into the trap of finishing up class then going back to the studio to do more of our Cinematic Flaneur Project. If I ever find the time I will come back here to explain the concept more fully.