Week 5.

After our Math class I hung around for a little while and copied my resulting 2x22gb files to one of my team mate's external drives to help save her the tedium of syncing up the files herself, as that's just pointless drudge work. My other two team mates didn't seem too fussed on getting copies, they had either synced everything up themselves already or had not yet realised what a tedious time waster that task is. I really kick myself for not using some form of dual clapboard, it's something I'd have just done automatically normally. I then went home to work on the files.

Being 22gb they slow down the system tremendously, and I haven't yet worked out a decent workflow. I did re-render lower quality proxy files @ 2gb each but I don't know how this would fit in an After Effects Dynamic Link workflow. Well, I have some ideas, but perhaps they aren't completely compatible with experimental post production, better for a predefined script where one knows what they are hoping to achieve.

Tuesday, I've stayed home to piece this thing together. My team was to do the same, although 2 members decided to work in class. I find class even more distracting than home personally.

What I'd also have done is thrown ALL files into Adobe Media Encoder first to make them all the same format. I didn't do this at first because I felt re-encoding meant dropping quality. I'm encoding to dv codec, but there are tons of variations of this codec and I'd have to research the whole subject further but it at the moment it seems probably more than good enough for this project.

As a one-time Mac operator, I'd have a workflow where I pre-flighted and normalised files and organised them before even thinking about starting actual work, but that was for print, I haven't fully worked out a good workflow for video editing, and I guess I've sort of approached this with a different mindset from someone working in a production environment.

[a few days have passed, so back to past tense]

Wednesday I had my film pieced together after a sleepless night. I dropped the Dynamic Link-as I go workflow because render times were just too painful. Instead I decided to put the film together then did all of my After Effects work. I also realised rendering out avi files in After Effects sped up the process rather than linking AE files in Premiere. I'd moved back to my windows machine because that has a true x64 version of Premiere installed so potentially ran faster. I discovered that our group was not presenting this morning but tomorrow which was handy because not only had we not made a DVD but I was the only person in the group who'd managed to finish the film.

That night I pieced together a DVD menu video, authored the DVD ready for the rest of the group to drop in their files in the morning, made a video of our concept and us using the equipment and wrote our concept as a small speech for presentation. My team worked on getting their videos finished, and stayed up all night.

Thursday when I got in in the morning, everyone else in my team had issues getting their film completed, 2 members managed to have files ready right at the last moment but I couldn't author them to DVD on time. Despite that our presentation was fairly solid, it was great to have notes to read from.

Once that was over we all went home to finish (start in some cases) our Literature Review and also final bits and pieces for this project, to hand in on Tuesday.